Thursday, July 5, 2007

That Invincible Feeling

I had no idea where to go today until I read Neil's (Jo Brotha) comment yesterday about how he felt after his bike ride.

It is so very true, and, honestly, one of the things that keeps me going. There is nothing like that euphoric feeling after completing a run or a ride, or any athletic endeavor, I'm sure. You stop running or dismount and think, wow, what a great ride. How good does that feel? I could've gone another mile or five miles.

Whether you're trying to lose weight or maintain or improve fitness, I believe that once you get up off the couch, it's 90% mental. Something needs to drive you to get out of bed a 5 am the next day and start sweating. The first thing you think is "Ugh, just let me sleep 10 more minutes." 10 minutes becomes an hour and you window to burn is gone. Unless you have someone standing over you, we only have ourselves to get us motivated.

Just think about that last really good workout and how good that adrenalin and that pain felt. It feels great and there's nothing like it. How hard is it to find that feeling again? The investment is just another run.



Kim Herring said...

Jeff - My friends and I always say that the hardest part of a workout is getting started. I have an open water swim to do's my first one ever without my wetsuit and it's kind of scary. Can I really swim 2/3 mile without the buoyancy of my wetsuit? Well, that is the test of the week. I will be reporting the results on my blog tomorrow.

Have a great day!

Unknown said...

Once you're up and moving the battle is already won.
I play the "I could have gone farther, harder, longer" game all the time

Anonymous said...

There are many kinds of euphoria one experiences in life, i.e. the birth of a child; getting a promotion; completing a special acquisition (like a new house); completing a task "everybody" said couldn't be done (or at least done by you); etc. But there's simply nothing that compares with, at least short term, successfully completing an intense physical task.

The euphoria and contentment that accompanies such a "win" almost defies description. So does the agony and anguish of a "loss". But even a loss brings with it the inner satisfaction of having given it everything you had. Your sweat soaked T-shirt is your badge of honor. And even in defeat you still have the feeling that you can go back out there and kick some more ass.

Welcome to Jockdom, son!!

By the way, you've given me new incentive to get back into shape. I plan to go riding with you and Jo Brotha tomorrow. Thanks.

LisaDuvall said...

Right now I'm at the beginning of my fitness journey and that workout high is what gets me to the gym most days. I love that high!