Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Happy Independence Day!

Something a little lighter for the holiday, but first a bit of a rant:

Today is July 4. Everywhere in the world it is July 4. Here in the US, the holiday is Independence Day. So, then, why does everyone wish each other a happy 4th of July? Why not a happy 3rd of July or 22nd of October. Well you get the idea. Happy Independence Day to all!

Below are a couple of posters that I found on the Runners World bulletin board. I assume that they were real, but can't vouch for them. They struck me as funny, so I thought I would share them.

Happy Independence Day!


J~Mom said...

Those are funny!! I like the lard one!

Happy Independence Day!!

The Pensive Turtle said...

Hey Jeff - Great blog! And congrats on all your fitness accomplishments. You have a lot to be proud of - keep up the great work!!

Unknown said...

Mmmm, nothing like a big ole cup of tapeworms and lard to got the blood pumping in the morning!