"Hey, boys," Deb said, "daddy's going to go run 5 miles, do you want to scooter with him?" "Do you mind, dear?" Of course not. 5 miles? I'm sure they'll be fine. They do that kind of thing all the time (yeah, never).
So, I quickly got changed and put on the fully loaded fuel belt. (The belt is a Nathan Triangle, 4885N, just in case anyone is interested.) After all of the comments yesterday about the new fuel belt purchase, I had to give it a whirl even though I wouldn't normally worry about hydration for a shorter run.
Deb, in the mean time, was getting the kids ready. Get shoes and socks on, get the scooters out. "Ok, guys, the water's just for daddy. You won't get any until we get home. Have fun!"

We were off. As we headed west out of our neighborhood into the adjoining one, I definitely noticed that the belt was there. It didn't bother me, but it was some added weight. No jiggling as I had been concerned about. After a few minutes, I tried out the bottle itself. Worked fine, albeit a bit of a tight fit into the holster, but I'd expect that it would loosen over time.
After 3/4 mile, the first "how far have we gone" question came from the inquisitive 7 (almost 8) year old. Not quite a mile. About a minute later, "have we gone a mile yet, dad?" No, almost. I could definitely feel that the added weight of the belt was slowing me down. At least that would be my excuse. 11:43 for the first mile is close to a minute slower than I've been running on this type of run.
As we continued, there seemed to be a pattern developing -- #1 son about a block or so ahead, #2 about the same distance behind. Most of our course was on not too busy roads, but it was still a challenge to keep both in sight when I was concentrating on running. Soon though, "Daaaaaaad, myyyyyyyy shooooooooooooooooe is untiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiied." Oy! Okay, #1 --tie your brother's shoe please. "No, dad, you'll run too far." Please do it or we'll just go back home. You'll catch up to me. "Ok." And he did, and they caught up to me.
It was about this time I noticed a belly ache, around the area where the belt was on the opposite side of the bottle. Seems that the weight of the bottle was really starting to bother me. But we continued.
At about 2 miles, this was hear from behind me: "Dad, I'm REALLY thirsty." Sorry, bud, mom told you there would be nothing to drink. "But I'm REALLY REALLY thirsty." Now, in retrospect, it might have been smarter of me to just give him some water, but this was going to be a lesson that what we say is what we mean. I don't know why I thought at this particular moment in time that this concept would sink in, since it hasn't up until now, but my feet were dug in.
Heading up a hill, #2 continued to fall back, to the point that I had to stop to wait for him. Decision made -- we're heading home where I can dump one fuel belt, two scooters and two scooter drivers.
And so it was.
Once I dumped the belt, I ran much better. Mile 2 and 3 were both over 12 minutes. Mile 4, without belt or company was 11:38 followed by 10:55 for the last mile.
Not sure what to do with the belt now. Fill it half way? Ditch it? Anyone else have similar issues? Did you get used to it?
As for the kids, I'd definitely try the run/scoot again with some changes. #1 -- no mp3 for daddy. Just didn't need it and it was one too many distractions. #2 -- shorter route preferred. #3 -- if possible, just take one!
And the Pain in the Butt -- the title of today's post? You thougt it was my kids, didn't you. No, more literal, that's what I woke up with this morning. Very sore left buttock down the back of my thigh. Feels muscular, but it was very painful just to get out of bed this morning. Not sure if it was the belt or not. Hope it works its way better and soon.
After 3/4 mile, the first "how far have we gone" question came from the inquisitive 7 (almost 8) year old. Not quite a mile. About a minute later, "have we gone a mile yet, dad?" No, almost. I could definitely feel that the added weight of the belt was slowing me down. At least that would be my excuse. 11:43 for the first mile is close to a minute slower than I've been running on this type of run.
As we continued, there seemed to be a pattern developing -- #1 son about a block or so ahead, #2 about the same distance behind. Most of our course was on not too busy roads, but it was still a challenge to keep both in sight when I was concentrating on running. Soon though, "Daaaaaaad, myyyyyyyy shooooooooooooooooe is untiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiied." Oy! Okay, #1 --tie your brother's shoe please. "No, dad, you'll run too far." Please do it or we'll just go back home. You'll catch up to me. "Ok." And he did, and they caught up to me.
It was about this time I noticed a belly ache, around the area where the belt was on the opposite side of the bottle. Seems that the weight of the bottle was really starting to bother me. But we continued.
At about 2 miles, this was hear from behind me: "Dad, I'm REALLY thirsty." Sorry, bud, mom told you there would be nothing to drink. "But I'm REALLY REALLY thirsty." Now, in retrospect, it might have been smarter of me to just give him some water, but this was going to be a lesson that what we say is what we mean. I don't know why I thought at this particular moment in time that this concept would sink in, since it hasn't up until now, but my feet were dug in.
Heading up a hill, #2 continued to fall back, to the point that I had to stop to wait for him. Decision made -- we're heading home where I can dump one fuel belt, two scooters and two scooter drivers.
And so it was.
Once I dumped the belt, I ran much better. Mile 2 and 3 were both over 12 minutes. Mile 4, without belt or company was 11:38 followed by 10:55 for the last mile.
Not sure what to do with the belt now. Fill it half way? Ditch it? Anyone else have similar issues? Did you get used to it?
As for the kids, I'd definitely try the run/scoot again with some changes. #1 -- no mp3 for daddy. Just didn't need it and it was one too many distractions. #2 -- shorter route preferred. #3 -- if possible, just take one!
And the Pain in the Butt -- the title of today's post? You thougt it was my kids, didn't you. No, more literal, that's what I woke up with this morning. Very sore left buttock down the back of my thigh. Feels muscular, but it was very painful just to get out of bed this morning. Not sure if it was the belt or not. Hope it works its way better and soon.
I think running with a belt just takes a little getting used to and finding the right placement. I turn mine around so the bottle is around the back, which works better for me.
Great post Jeff! I can just hear the "Daddddddddddddddy!" haha
I really hate running with water. Like depise it. I usually only carry water for anything over 10k...but thats not always practical. Tonight I have hill training and the only thing I look forward to it leaving my water at the bottom of the hill! haha
Have a great day!
PS- nice legs ;)
Juggling your kids and getting your workouts in it a huge challenge. Way to go!
"Not sure what to do with the [kids] now. Ditch [them]? Anyone else have similar issues? Did you get used to [them]?"
Oh, I'm sure you'll get used to them.
Hi there
I am new to your blog but I love running with water if it is my fuel belt. Anything else drives me crazy. My fuel belt is so lite weight, I don't even feel like I am wearing anything, check this site out for an example:
happy running
I have to wear mine tight to eliminate the jiggle, thus after a couple miles I always get to the point where I feel like it's squeezing me to death, but I always thought that was just me. I'm usually able to talk myself out of the pain, as it's more bothersome than hurting. Also over the couple months of owning and using it, it has gotten a little less painful/bothersome. Maybe try it on your backside, I don't have enough junk in my trunk for it to stabilize against my lack-of-ass which turns it into weeble wobble. I've never had lasting pain from the belt (2 minutes after it's off, if that), but there are so many options that if that's what's causing it I'd exchange it for something different. Good luck, and kudos to figuring this stuff out during training, imagine how bad it would be to learn it race day.
I use a fuel belt but it did take me 2-3 runs to get used to it. I would try it a couple more times before you decide for sure.
You've already read my fuel belt horror story from my full marathon. I don't carry water unless I am travelling more than 8 miles and it is really hot out. I probably won't ever carry water during a race again thanks to my full marathon experience.
I had to spin the bottle so it rests in the front then no problem.
I would suggest trying out different positions and see if you find something comfortable.
LOL- Oh my your two boys sound like my nephews- and that running scooter story sounds like an average trip to the mall with Nick and Hunter- 1 in 1 direction the other the complete opposite.
As for the pain in the butt- that is your sciatic- and I know a good chiropractor that could help-lol
Try putting some ice on it for about 20 minutes every few hours.
Feel better.
I have a Nathan belt very similar to yours and it took me a couple of long runs before I got used to it...I still don't like it...I also find that once you drink half the water it becomes less noticable. I still don't like running and carrying water and only do it on runs over 7 or 8 miles.
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