Starting out in a walk, I was familiar with the every little pain syndrome from my prior injury. You know, every tiny little pain is amplified and you wonder if that's the end. I walked about 1/4 mile to start and things felt pretty good.
From there, I pushed to my normal "tread" pace of 5.5 mph. So far so good. The new shoes felt good, but a bit stiff. Just need a bit more breaking in. I ran to about a mile, but as I got close to a mile, the mild pain became more slightly more severe and my worst fears were now being realized.
I slowed back to a walk for another 1/2 mile and then tried running again. The pain returned almost immediately.
At this point, I would say that my running is done for 2007. I'll give a call to the doc, but I suspect he'll want to give me the boot that I rejected out of hand last time through.
Not much more to say, really. Ugh!
Damn man, too bad to hear you are joining me on the PUP list. Luckily they can rebuild us, they can make us stronger.
Lets look at an amazing positive here Jeff. You lost an incredible 172(ish) pounds. Dude that is nothing short of amazing and think about all the things you are doing now that you were unable to do before. Even with the set back I am sure you are going to ride and hey you may even pick up swimming and I will to talk you in to doing a Tri in 2008.
Jeff you rock.
Time to start lifting!
The benefits are legion, weightloss being one of them.
Keep your chin up.
Listen to Dan - he's a smart guy.
It's the off season - an ideal time to listen to your orthopedist and do what you gotta do to make your hoof better.
I have to agree....sounds like it's time for some rest time.
Dont sweat it Jeff...you have done GREAT things, and will come back stronger to do even GREATER things.
Chin up! :)
You guys all rock! Thanks for the positive vibes.
Without a doubt, I'm in a much better place mentally this time from last time around.
Need to load up on more cold weather biking gear!
I want to join the Jeff Fan club too. You've come along way. Get the foot healed and you'll be ready for the spring season.
Oh by the way, I made a math error an omited 3 lbs from Bob's (Emil) total in the Biggest Loser Fantasy League, which puts you in second place with no chance of passing him up. sorry for the mistake.
I think you could have won the show if you were on it. keep up the good work.
Jeff - Keep up the good work! I know it's tough with injuries but you will get thru it and come out on the other side even stronger than before.
I'm with Dan....get in the pool and we'll get you into a tri next year.
I like Sauconys, too. So sorry to hear your ankle is not cooperating!
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