Although, looking back, I kinda screwed it all up, since I gave the questions yesterday. This really isn't Jeopardy! at all. Well, screw it, I'm a Trebekkie and it's gonna have to stay. Now, on with the show. . .
As for the foot, it has been feeling better of late. After a couple of months feeling like nothing was going to work to get it better, I started to feel relief just early last week. So for now, I've got the Baltimore half and MCM on the schedule.

I figure that my fitness level is pretty good with a solid summer in the books, but am I in for 3 plus hours of pain? Yesterday I hit the treadmill at the gym to see how a mile felt. I must say, I struggled a bit more than I had expected. Not so much in the ankle, which really felt fine, but more in the breathing department. I was able to run the mile with a couple minute walk break in the middle. Really, though, the good news is that the ankle didn't hurt. My plan now is to treadmill run a 3-4 times a week, gradually working up to about 8 miles. That should be enough to get me to a sub 3 hour half. If not, I've still got another 2 1/2 hours to play with.
As for Marine Corps, I'm really thinking this one is out of the question. Too far to go, too soon. Unless I feel terrific running in the next couple of weeks, I'll check into the deferral options for that.
Now on to important business -- the need for a change in the blog title. I've had this name since the beginning of my blog life, about 16 months. Up until this spring, the title was fair, even through the injuries, but now, not so much. Formerly Fat Running and Biking Guy just doesn't flow. Formerly Fat Guy, well, maybe some possibilities there. Something totally unrelated? That'd work too. I'm open to suggestions, so let the commenting begin!
The swag is important. I got an extra medal for doing the RnR in consecutive years.
I think you should title your blog, L'chaim. Of course, this from a guy that changes his blog title as often as I change my underwear.
Medals are cool. I am a shirt guy.
"Formerly Fat, Currently Active Guy"
I'm a medal kinda gal too. In fact, I wear my medal for the entire day afterwards... :)
I've migrated to the tredmill for a while too to get my endurance back. Its a sticky hot mess here in Ottawa these days.
As for a new blog title, perhaps something like "Formerly Fat Guy Racking Up the Miles"
I believe you called yourself formerly Fat Formerly Running Guy to me once when you were thinking about getting a bike....... makes me laugh now.
Swag is sweet!!
I like "Formerly Fat Guy Awkward Shopping at Victoria's Secret." I don't really know what that means, but I'd love to see it!!
How about the formerly fat peddling guy....
Glad the ankle isnt giving you a problem.
You amaze me....
SUPER GLAD you are able to start running again. I think you are right to take it easy and not do the MCM. Since you have lost the weight, you now have years and years to do that.
How about super Phat running guy.
You have inspired many Jeff. Keep it up.
I'm sure that whatever title you come up with will be great.
Keep us updated on the ankle and the breathing. I hear you on the breathing.
How about Prior Fat? Or do you want to get "fat" out of the title completely?
I like Amy and Pat's suggestions for blog titles. I am awful with my own suggestions though just look at mine! LOL
I'm really glad to hear the ankle is recovering. Don't push too hard too soon otherwise there will be no swag!
I really like the L'Chaim suggestion.
How about "Road Rash Guy"????
Asphalt Addict??
I'm just trying to help.
How about just "FFG"? Nice, quick, concise, accurate. Those who have followed you will understand. Those who haven't never will, and don't really matter.
GOOOOOOOOO-O Pokey!! :) My vote is for your suggestions -- he could hyphenate!! :)
Buyer of the bandaids, listener of the whining, cleaner of the boo boos -- oops...I mean war wounds, sympathizer extraordinaire(NOT!), worrier, toughest trainer and head cheerleader!! :)
Hmm... but then I might have to move you out of my "running blogs" folder. That Jeff just defies categorization.
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