Today's event, Too Cold to Hold , had a 5k or a 15k option. In my mind, I kept going back and forth as to whether I would do either and, if I did run, then which event. I knew from history that anything short of getting out there for the 15k would leave me disappointed in myself. I had packed for a chilly day.
Yesterday, I made schlep #1 to register and pick up my packet at the Run On! shoe store. This was the first event that I've ever done with a Clydesdale category. That's for men over 200 pounds. I signed up for the 15k. When checking out, the clerk says: "Are you from Baltimore?" Wow, I said, how did you know? Uhh, the Raven's jersey you're wearing. Duhhh! She's from Havre de Grace, MD, and, she told me when I saw her before the run, she's the cousin of a very famous Marylander also born in HdG . . . Guesses anyone? How about Cal Ripken, Jr! Pretty cool.
Anyway, this morning I stopped for a Starbucks and headed out for schlep #2 -- 45 miles to the starting line, hit the port-o-potty and got ready to go. Temps were in the mid-40's. I opted for running tights, a short sleeve shirt and hat. The course was an out and back half way around a big lake, with one small hill, but otherwise flat.
My goal was to run an 11 mile pace, ideally breaking 100 minutes for the 9.33 miles.
There were about 1200 runners starting out -- 700 for the 15k, the balance for the 5k. As the race began, I found myself with an 11 minute pace group led by the running store. Pure luck, no doubt. I was able to keep up with the group, getting past them at one point. It felt good to be out there and I never questioned my decision to go long.
There were about 1200 runners starting out -- 700 for the 15k, the balance for the 5k. As the race began, I found myself with an 11 minute pace group led by the running store. Pure luck, no doubt. I was able to keep up with the group, getting past them at one point. It felt good to be out there and I never questioned my decision to go long.
Other than walking the four water stops and two bathroom breaks, that cost me about 4-5 minutes total, I felt great. I chatted with a number of folks along the way and was very glad that I ran it.
My time was 1:43:07, just over an 11 minute pace. I couldn't be happier with it, given the bathroom necessities.
Of course, the schwag wasn't too bad either. A nice long sleeve t-shirt and a wool cap. Love the cap!

Time to start planning the next one!
Yay Jeff!!! I don't know if I'd even be up for a 15K yet this year. Great work and I like the swag! Hope to see you back out with TNT in a month or so :-)
Good job on your race.
She didn't say she was related to Billy Ripken? Must be tough being Cal's brother.
Great effort mate! You guys always get great swag!
Good Job on the run Jeff. As always you inspire me.
Very nice Jeff! We missed you on Friday.
Sounds like you had a great event Jeff! I am also glad that Texas could provide you with some great running weather.
Glad our state could leave you with some good memories - but it's only because of you....and the effort you put forth. Way to go, keep motivating!!
You lucky dog a 15k in January, the joys of traveling southward. We just had a 5 mile race in Northern Michigan, but now I'll be race poor till St. Patricks day.
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