Thursday, August 26, 2010

Hot Hot Hot

Since we arrived in Texas, it's been hot. Very hot. Just a few days this month haven't hit 100. Monday was 107. That hasn't really slowed us down, though, other than trying to avoid being outside in the middle of the day.

The kids started school on Monday. (Hallelujah!) (No, make that HALLELUJAH!) Zach started 7th grade in Middle School (which is 7-8) and Matt started 5th grade in Intermediate School (5-6). Deb jumped right in to VP of the Intermediate School PTA. (Shocking, I know.)

Work for me has been good. Since we've been here, I've only been away three nights. This is good.

I'm still riding a lot. Pretty consistently three days a week. Mostly early in the morning and long on Sunday's. One Saturday a few weeks ago, I wanted to feel the heat and did 16 miles at 2pm. What a schvitz!

I've been off and on about Hotter 'N Hell 100. Just about every day. Deb has been pushing me to do it. The biggest issue is that there were no hotel rooms available and it's a 2 hr drive. The thought of leaving home at 4am and then spending 6+ hours on my bike, then driving home was not appealing. As of this morning I was off. Just for the heck of it, I checked for hotels one last time and, much to my delight, there were rooms at the Holiday Inn, just a couple of miles from the start. The forecast is for a cooler hot -- high of 93. (Maybe just a Hotter 'N Heck?) So I'm in. I'm going up myself and I'll ride alone (other than the 30,000 other cyclists), but I know I'd regret it if I didn't give it a shot.
So that's the update. Next update after the Hotter 'N Hell.


Daiquiri princess said...

Congrats- Sounds like a fun ride...

Remember to stay hydrated but enjoy it.

Nice to hear from you too- I miss your blogs.

Enjoy Texas....

Nat said...

I love that 93 is cooler... ha!

Good luck with the ride.

Cheryl said...

I love that picture! Definitely looks like riding through H-E-double hockey sticks! Glad you found a room. Hope the AC works. :-) Have fun! And don't worry, the 100 degree weather won't last forever. Then come the ice storms and after that the tornadoes!

Kelli Woelfel said...

Go for it! I'd say have fun....but not sure that will be possible. Can't wait to hear you conquer it.

Andrew is getting fit said...

I'm so glad you signed up for the race. Even gladder to hear you're getting in regular exercise!