Monday, November 23, 2009

Bulking Up

Has it really been a month since Marine Corps? Time flies.

So, what have I been up to ? Mostly bulking up. Unfortunately, I'm not talking about pumping iron. More like pumping m & m's.

It took me a full month to kill off the crud that I had. Up until a week ago, I was still feeling some effects in my chest. That didn't make exercise very pleasant. After a week off, I made my first trip to boot camp and thought I'd puke, so I cut that short. I've had one run of 3 miles since then and a couple of tough sluggish bike rides.

Mostly, I've been eating. I wouldn't call it an appetite, but more like an insatiable need to nosh. I've seen the old me peeking out from behind pantry and I don't like what I've seen.

This morning I weighed in at 247, up about 15 pounds in a month. I feel like a great summer of working out and, though I didn't lose, I did maintain, has gone to waste. My pants are getting tight, my shirts are getting tight. I'd given up on boot camp and Body Pump over the last couple of months of training, so any toning I had has gone to mush.

So that's the first step, right? Admitting you have a problem. I admit it. Cookies, cake, Halloween candy, more Halloween candy, still more Halloween candy. Oy!

Today's a new day. In with the old, out with the new. Bananas, oranges, carrots and celery. A great boot camp this morning and plenty of water to drink all day.

One day at a time and one day down. Off to tomorrow land and an early Body Pump.
